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We offer a variety of services, including


  • The Personal Reconnection

  • Reconnective Healing​

  • Bio-Magnetic Code

  • Body Tuning

  • Therapeutic Massage

    • In-network Provider with the Veterans Affairs (VA) as a part of their Community Care Network​​



  • SoftWave Therapy

    • Tissue Regenerative Technology​


Massage table with large buddha picture on the wall with a wood accent piece in the corner with the 7 chakras symbols on it

Visit our services  page to learn more about how we can help you take on life with a newfound sense of Balance... & Awareness

sunset photo of bay.HEIC


At Balance & Awareness, we strive to provide a peaceful holistic wellness center that helps you balance your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. We believe that we can help shift your frequencies, breaking away from the social programming that has been hypnotizing us since birth. Our goal is to De-Hypnotize you and ultimately help you awaken and become conscious of your higher purpose, so that you can live your life in true harmony.


We bring you an individualized solution to what your body needs, with a holistic approach. When you enter our practice, you have opened up the doors to your healing journey -- body, mind and spirit. The combination of our healing practice and different modalities we compliment the missing parts of what mainstream medicine has left out.


Anabel and Bryan have set out to create the perfect environment and atmosphere to empower your healing journey. When you walk through the door, you will instantly feel at peace. By feeling at peace, you are subconsciously telling yourself, "I am ready to heal". Just by walking in the door, you will already leave a different person. However, that, is just the tip of the iceberg!

Calm waters and vivid colors pinks, yellows, oranges, and bluesof the setting sun over the east bay near Navarre Florida.



Anabel, a holistic practitioner
Anabel's professional journey began in her hometown of San Antonio, Texas, where she spent her formative years before...


Bryan, a holistic practitioner
Bryan's journey began in Denver, Colorado, but his formative years unfolded in Houston, Texas. Life took an unexpected turn with the events...
Contact Us
A close-up, in focus picture of the palms of a palm tree with the out of focus picture of a setting sun in the background

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Silhouette meditation pose with lotus flower and seven colored chakras

6889 Santa Clara Dr

Navarre, FL 32566

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